Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I want to go back home!

Suriname was absolutely AMAZING! Between seeing my friends and partying and working all day every day at the barn I had the most amazing time ever. Both Heaven and Eclipse are riding now. My training worked out well and I am glad. I had a lot of fun training them. Zeloma was so wonderful too! I wish I could keep her. She did so well with me. I was getting her really far and she was very calm when I left. But who knows what is going on with her now since Robin is back to riding her. Pa says it is going ok but not as good as me :) lol. Makes me happy to know that she did well with me.

I RODE UTILE!!! I cant believe it. It was so cool to ride on a horse that is SO good. Anthousia was scaring me and telling me that she was gonna be nuts. She is kind of a hot head. But she was
very calm and sweet and so comfortable. I was in heaven. Hahaha. I realized just how uncomfortable Zeloma rides after I rode La Cou Cou, Zajouti, and Utile. But I still love Zeloma
the most :)
This is another wonderful horse we had to take care of... such a sweetheart...NOT! He is SO evil. Biscuit injured himself fighting with Sunsorise. His back leg looked terrible and we were SO scared he broke it. Such a waste because he is such a pretty horse. But anyways. We needed to give him shots and clean his wounds and it was just so difficult because he is just such a MEANNY! When we first started the only way I could get him is to stand in his stall and wait for him to try to bite me and grab his halter. But after a while he got used to me and he didn't care what I did to him. It was sweet. He bit and tried to kick everyone that just looked at his leg, and I could touch it and pet him and play with him. He was fairly sweet to me. I wish I could have ridden him more though. He is SO comfortable. But he is really easy so it wont be difficult to get someone on him to ride. HE just likes being outside. I miss him too :)

Leaving was SO hard. It was just me and Pa the last few weeks I was in Suri. I was with him all day except when he was at work :)
So it was SO difficult to leave. I was so sad. But in 3 years I will probably be back there. And maybe I can have the job as barn manager. hahaha. Maybe. I wont really earn any money like that, but I really don't need to either. I always knew having a job in animal science and equestrian science would never get me any money. But I don't need a lot. I would be perfectly happy just chilling at a barn, working hard, and riding. Of course I want to be able to pay off loans and stuff. But I will figure that out later.
I do want to go to Europe to study horses more or maybe go work by Carissa. I don't know. But
there is enough time to figure it out :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Oh, How I Love Surinam

My flights over here were fine. I was really happy to be home, but I do miss Justin. I went to the barn the next day. I was really excited to see all the horses and Shaun and everyone. I really missed being with everyone. The horses look really good. Zeloma is still a big pain. I don't have any pictures yet of anyone which is really weird for me. We have 3 new horses that need to be broken in and of course I get them. Hahaha. Heaven is REALLY scared of people, Biscuit still thinks he is a stallion and Eclipse is just a big butt.

I was really sad when Acorada's foal died. His heart just stopped in my arms. Shaun and I tried, but he was too weak :( sad day

I am sad that Shaun is gone though. He moved to Holland and I really miss him and all the horses he had to take care of are all my responsobility now. I like it, but sometimes it gets a bit much.

I saw Danny and Renee. That was nice. Kevin, Dunja and I went to his house and then we went to say goodbye to Shaun. I didn't cause I figured I would see him the next day.... I cried when I said goodbye to him on Sunday :(

Biscuit rode really well with me on wednesday and Thursday, but Xenne's stallion broke lose last night and beat him up really badly. He looks terrible. I feel so bad for him and now he is going to have to rest again. Which is a huge setback in his riding, but he'll be fine.

I am happy about being able to sit on Eclipse yesterday. Hopefully we can do it again today :)

Besides horses everything else is good. Becca came down to Surinam too. He had a lot of fun in Italy and I am SO jealous. I wish I had gone to Europe instead of the US :(
Ooh well. I wouldn't have met all my fun friends :)


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cedar Point

I absolutely loved the park. There was only one problem. I am scared to death of coasters! But at first I thought I was scared of the twists and turns. Because of this I decided to ride Maxair. Which is just like a swing...kinda....and all you do is go higher and higher till you're practically upside down. I HATED IT! I wanted to get off so badly. So....after that was over and I was scared shitless....I discovered that I wasn't scared of the twists and turns. I was scared of the drops. Now here's the problem. EVERY coaster has a drop in it. I was a little disappointed. But I just decided to go on and do my best.
So me and Justin went on the Corkscrew(picture). It was really fun. Again, the initial drop was a bit scary. But all the loops and turns were really fun.

After the Corkscew we went to the Iron dragon. Which really wasn't that bad. Again, didn't like the drop, but it was fun.
We went on a kiddy ride called the Mine-something. It was a small funny coaster. Would have been a lot more fun, but it banged you around a whole lot and my head started to hurt. After that we went on these two water rides and got COMPLETELY soaked. The first one was in this big tube with a few other people. We floater down a small 'river' and, at first, it didn't seem like we were going to get wet. And then the waterfalls came.....Justin and I floated right under one! I was SO wet! So, we went on another one because we were already soaked. This one was just a drop. They pulled you to the top in a 'log' and just sent you flying to the bottom. Of course you got a bit....wet. But it was fun. All the water just splashed all over when you hit bottom. Really cool.

So we moved on to our next Coaster. I was SCARED of this one. I didn't want to ride it and I told Justin I wouldn't. I was getting pretty moody half way through the LONG line of people. And I just wanted to go home. But for some aparent reason I sat down in that DAMN coaster. I was SO scared it was almost rediculous. I guess I just couldn't walk away when I was finally just right there. I could have just walked through and waved Justin off. Maybe I just wanted to prove something to myself. I don't know. But I sat down and strapped myself in. I was so scared and I started to cry even. With tears rolling down my face Justin took my hand and told me it was going to be ok. He told me we could go home after this one. My facial expression was not pleasant. He said I looked scared, confused, and angry all at once. And the coaster started moving. I was SO scared. And when it fianlly took off. I couldn't stop smiling! I had a BLAST! The drop wasn't bad at ALL. I guess couse you are strapped in differently with your feet dangling. So maybe I felt more secure cause you don't move around as much. But that coaster took me on the ride of my life. I had a blast. Justin said he looked over and all he saw was a HUGE smile on my face. That coaster just twisted and turned and turned you upside down. It was SO much fun! I loved it

The next coaster had SUCH a long wait, but totally worth it. The first drop it 95 degrees. It was SO scary but I decided that it was only 2 seconds out of an awesome ride. The ride is SO fast and blasting through all the twists and turns. Every drop was insane. It felt like I was being thrown out of my seat every time. It was a blast

After the Mavric we went on the long drive home. I was really tired from a long day but it was worth it :)

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Random sign in the park. Thought it was funny :)

(incase u can't read it)
Consumption of food or beverage within vehicles parked outside the ballpark is unlawful and violators are subject to fines as prescripted by law.....

What the hell? It's illegal to eat in your car?

It was SO amazing. Justin and I went to Warped Tour '09 at Comerica Park in Detroit. I guess
it's Tiger Stadium. It's where the Detroit Tiger's play.
It was REALLY hot and sunny. I got burned so bad. My shoulders really hurt. Justin's neck
looks terrible! lol.

So Warped Tour is pretty much a bunch of bands that tour and throw a huge 20 band show! It was great. There were a bunch of stages and hundreds of people....some of them I really wanted to murder. GOD! The youth today is absolutely CRAZY! WHAT THE HELL! Girls were walkign around in bikinies, boys were wearing purple skinny jeans. And I swear if I had a pair of cissors I would have cut EVERY SINGLE Zac Effron haircut I SAW! OMG! They look SO stupid with their long hair and all the STUPID things thei wear. Jeez I miss the european fashion! The fashion that actually makes sence. And All the girls were just as bad. Seriously! What is wrong with people today. I saw a guy walking around with a sign saying "I hate scene whores" I laughed.
And it's SO right. I guess I really miss home. ahahah. But even Suriname as girles that dress
trashy and boys that dress just plain terrible. LoL

ANYWAYS!! The first band we saw was Big D and the Kids Table. It is SUCH a cool band. I guess they are punk/ska. No idea to tell you the truth, but they sounded awesome. And the crowd was fun. I kinda got sucked into the pit and got pushed around alot, but what better way to relieve all the built up tension and stress and frustration than by pushing around and running into guys that are twice as big as you and enjoying the music. Hahaha. I got pushed to the very front after a bit. The crowd kinda just pushed me there. It was much calmer at the frunt. But everyone's weight kinda got pushed on you when they want to come to the front. So it was a bit tight. But awesome. The lead singer stepped down from the stage and was standing on the fence leaning over the crowd. I wasn't right by justin but he said that the singer was leaning on his hand
singing right in his face. It was AWESOME! Lol. I was just a few people but it was still cool to see the guy so close. hahaha. I sound like a total dork but ok. It was cool.

We saw anti-flag and Less than Jake too and they were cool. I LOVED Westbound Train. They were SO awesome. I am sad that I didn't take a picture of them. lol. Their music is ska/soul/reggea. It was so much fun and the crowd was so cool and dancing and I of course was joining in in the dancing. hahah. It was a blast n I really liked them the most. They were fun with the crowd too. The best part was at the beginning of the show. There are 2 stages with similar names. And he pretty much told all the idiots(I'm pretty sure he used that word) who couldn't read to leave the crowd and let all their fans have more room. And half the crowd left. hahaha. It was so funny. The crowd that left were all the crazy scerrmo highschool kids. hahah. It was awesome.

The only band I didn't really like was Streetlight Manifesto. They weren't my favorite band, but the crowd was terrible. They were just so pushy and totally crushing me and i really couldn't get out. Me and the guy next to me were just like...WHAT THE HELL! WE WANNA GET OUT! But we couldn't. We were both kinda stuck there. It sucked. And it was hot and other people were so sweaty. Augh! It was frustrating! Yet ok at times. I was a bit irritated when it was over and I had lost justin from the beginning. lol
We saw Bad Religon after that. They were too loud and I was tired. So I sat on the crosswalk a bit and waited and we left when Justin was done listening. It was an awesome day
I did end up hurting my right leg though. Everyone was stepping on my right chin and kicking and jumping and it ended up pretty buised. And it already was bruised. I guess lesson learnd is that if your legs hurt, its gonna get worse. Hahaha. My left leg was left untouched.

Well....I think thats about it for now

We were taking a break after westbound train. It was tiring standing around all day. We were there from 10 AM till 7PM. We were SO tired :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Random Ramblings

It was nice seeing Di last week Thursday. She got to meet Justin and we(Soraya and Alex were with us too) all had lunch at the Red Hawk Grill. Made me really miss the family and all our crazy gatherings. I was supposed to see her last weekend but that ended up failing because I lost my phone. Which I did end up finding again. But I missed work because of it(forgot I had to work Sunday. I was sad I missed it!).

Justin and I went to the Detroit Zoo last week Wednesday. It was alot of fun. I liked the butterfly room the most :) It's pretty much a greenhouse that people can walk through and there are SO MANY butterflies. It was really pretty. The butterfly greenhouse was followed by one for birds(of course they were sepparated because the butterflies probably wouldn't survive very long), which was also very cool to walk through. I saw some trees in there that I recognize from Surinam. Like the Amandelboom. I thought that was pretty cool.
After that we went to see the penguins. They were really funny to watch waddle around. Seriously fast swimmers though. I couldn't help but laugh when I watched one of them struggle to stand up when it got out of the water. It was cute. hahaha.
We visited the amphibians after that. It was SO cool seeing all the frogs and lizards and fish(thought I don't think they are amphibians). I even saw a Surinamese Toad! So COOL!(yet SO gross!!) Unfortunately, while I was walking through that exibit, I stumbled upon a cockroach(probably food for the sloth that was in the exibit as well), and almost ran out screaming. But don't worry. I kept my cool and just walked away. hahah. The lung fish were really strange and the frogs even weirder. The snakes and alligators were really cool in the reptile house. We got to watch some of the snakes eat mice and stuff. There were some turtles in there too, but didn't interest me as much.
I recognized some animals like the Capibara and the Pakira and some not so much. I didn't even know some existed. hahaha. I thought the hippos and rhinos were HUGE! The rhinos are SO rediculously big. I was really impressed. The Giraffes were really cool too. We saw an ex-circus bear named Polly. She really seemed to love the attention we were giving her. She was sitting at the ledge shaking her head at us. It was cute.
There was a cute deer sitting by the sprinkler enjoying the water. I thought he looked really goofy. I saw a Prezewalski(one of the wild breed of horse) and Zebra's which was pretty cool. There was a rescued thoroughbred in one of the small exibits that was rescued after he couldn't race anymore.
I wasn't too interested in the monkeys. Thay are really strange and one was sitting at the window people watching...it was creepy.
We moved on to the arctic region. Starting with the Arctic Foxes. They were very strange and funny. Aparently in the summer and spring they shed their white coat for a grey/black/brown one to blend in with the folliage and grow it back in the winter when it snaws. I never knew that. Oh, the wonders of life. One of the zoo keepers came by and threw some paper bags in there filled with hay. She said it was for thier entertainment. They throw in bags with food or toys sometimes as well. The seals were really cool and we got to walk through underwater tunnels to watch them swim. It started raining by the time we got there. I wasn't too happy about that. The polar bears were there too and they are not as white as I always imagined they would be. lol
The last few animals we walked by were the otters, camels, and we stopped by the butterfly exibit one last time. Then went to the gift store and bought a few things...you know... to support the zoo :)
Besides all the animals in the exibit, we saw a bunch of ducks, squirrels, rabbits, and peacocks roaming around the zoo. It was funny watching one of the peacocks fighting with a water bottle machine.

Oh, and I had to ride the hippo in front of the Zoo before I left. HAHAHA

We were planning on going to the Petting Zoo today, but decided against it because it might rain. So maybe saturday :)

I think I am done for tonight and REALLY need to go to bed of I will be late tomorrow morning for work. YaY Jimmy John's!!

Tons of Love!
Cute Deer Sitting in the sprinklers

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I thought I would take a little time to tell you about my adventures in Benzie when I went to visit Justin's parents with him. I went there from July 10th till the 15th I think. The drive up there was terrible because of 4 different accidents, a closed down highway(tanker exploded and melted an overpass), and road construction. I think the 4 hour drive became a 6 hour one.

We didn't do too much but it was still fun. His dad works at the shelter so I went to play with the dogs and cats there. They are SO cute. Almost wanted to take one of the dogs home with me! She was SUCH a sweet dog! But it would be difficult since I travel so much and I move around and she is a bit big(Rottweiler). Justin wanted her too but we just couldn't take her. She was gone the first day she was up for adoption. She is gonna make such a wonderful pet.

I went to the beach at Crystal Lake too, but it was a gloomy and windy day. So I didn't stay long at all. All of us went to a small art fair in down town. It was cute and fun to just get out of the house and walk around.

I saw RJ and AJ again. Which was nice. Justin and I went over to AJ's house to watch a UFC fight. They always pick on my but I guess it's a given when I am the only girl there. It's funny though.

Justin and his mom surprised me and asked a friend if I could ride her horse Eddie. It was SO much fun and really nice of them. I cried a bit though. I really miss Xena.
Later that day we went to Traverse city and had lunch.

On our last day there we went to play put put with Justin's parents, which is always fun. It's pretty entertaining to watch his mom and dad compete against each other. I think that was the first time she won him too. I almost beat Justin but lost by a point.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hmmm....what to write

I have no idea what to put in there right now. Was just reading Rebecca's blog and thought i would start my own. Why not right....everyone is doing it :)

So I though of something to write
I have a headache. It sucks and I hate it. I had one last night so I just took some medicine and went to sleep. Still had it this morning. So I took two more. Which didn't help at all. Gary(my idiot boss) decided to send me to the basement. Which is SO scary(something down there might eat me!), but I went anyways. The door to the basement is made for a person living in the 1920's. Only a 5 yr old can fit down there without ducking. I went in with no problem, but when I walked out I forgot to duck and SLAMMED my head into the door frame! I almost knocked myself out. My head hurt SO bad! So now. I am stuck with a damn headache for the rest of the day.

I'm also back on antibiotics. My infection came back. I feel like my body is just giving up and falling apart. :(