Random sign in the park. Thought it was funny :)
Consumption of food or beverage within vehicles parked outside the ballpark is unlawful and violators are subject to fines as prescripted by law.....
What the hell? It's illegal to eat in your car?
It was SO amazing. Justin and I went to Warped Tour '09 at Comerica Park in Detroit. I guess
it's Tiger Stadium. It's where the Detroit Tiger's play.

It was REALLY hot and sunny. I got burned so bad. My shoulders really hurt. Justin's neck
looks terrible! lol.
So Warped Tour is pretty much a bunch of bands that tour and throw a huge 20 band show! It was great. There were a bunch of stages and hundreds of people....some of them I really wanted to murder. GOD! The youth today is absolutely CRAZY! WHAT THE HELL! Girls were walkign around in bikinies, boys were wearing purple skinny jeans. And I swear if I had a pair of cissors I would have cut EVERY SINGLE Zac Effron haircut I SAW! OMG! They look SO stupid with their long hair and all the STUPID things thei wear. Jeez I miss the european fashion! The fashion that actually makes sence. And All the girls were just as bad. Seriously! What is wrong with people today. I saw a guy walking around with a sign saying "I hate scene whores" I laughed.
And it's SO right. I guess I really miss home. ahahah. But even Suriname as girles that dress
trashy and boys that dress just plain terrible. LoL
ANYWAYS!! The first band we saw was Big D and the Kids Table. It is SUCH a cool band. I guess they are punk/ska. No idea to tell you the truth, but they sounded awesome. And the crowd was fun. I kinda got sucked into the pit and got pushed around alot, but what better way to relieve all the built up tension and stress and frustration than by pushing around and running into guys that are twice as big as you and enjoying the music. Hahaha. I got pushed to the very front after a bit. The crowd kinda just pushed me there. It was much calmer at the frunt. But everyone's weight kinda got pushed on you when they want to come to the front. So it was a bit tight. But awesome. The lead singer stepped down from the stage and was standing on the fence leaning over the crowd. I wasn't right by justin but he said that the singer was leaning on his hand
singing right in his face. It was AWESOME! Lol. I was just a few people but it was still cool to see the guy so close. hahaha. I sound like a total dork but ok. It was cool.
We saw anti-flag and Less than Jake too and they were cool. I LOVED Westbound Train. They were SO awesome. I am sad that I didn't take a picture of them. lol. Their music is ska/soul/reggea. It was so much fun and the crowd was so cool and dancing and I of course was joining in in the dancing. hahah. It was a blast n I really liked them the most. They were fun with the crowd too. The best part was at the beginning of the show. There are 2 stages with similar names. And he pretty much told all the idiots(I'm pretty sure he used that word) who couldn't read to leave the crowd and let all their fans have more room. And half the crowd left. hahaha. It was so funny. The crowd that left were all the crazy scerrmo highschool kids. hahah. It was awesome.
The only band I didn't really like was Streetlight Manifesto. They weren't my favorite band, but the crowd was terrible. They were just so pushy and totally crushing me and i really couldn't get out. Me and the guy next to me were just like...WHAT THE HELL! WE WANNA GET OUT! But we couldn't. We were both kinda stuck there. It sucked. And it was hot and other people were so sweaty. Augh! It was frustrating! Yet ok at times. I was a bit irritated when it was over and I had lost justin from the beginning. lol
We saw Bad Religon after that. They were too loud and I was tired. So I sat on the crosswalk a bit and waited and we left when Justin was done listening. It was an awesome day
I did end up hurting my right leg though. Everyone was stepping on my right chin and kicking and jumping and it ended up pretty buised. And it already was bruised. I guess lesson learnd is that if your legs hurt, its gonna get worse. Hahaha. My left leg was left untouched.
Well....I think thats about it for now
We were taking a break after westbound train. It was tiring standing around all day. We were there from 10 AM till 7PM. We were SO tired :)
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