Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I want to go back home!

Suriname was absolutely AMAZING! Between seeing my friends and partying and working all day every day at the barn I had the most amazing time ever. Both Heaven and Eclipse are riding now. My training worked out well and I am glad. I had a lot of fun training them. Zeloma was so wonderful too! I wish I could keep her. She did so well with me. I was getting her really far and she was very calm when I left. But who knows what is going on with her now since Robin is back to riding her. Pa says it is going ok but not as good as me :) lol. Makes me happy to know that she did well with me.

I RODE UTILE!!! I cant believe it. It was so cool to ride on a horse that is SO good. Anthousia was scaring me and telling me that she was gonna be nuts. She is kind of a hot head. But she was
very calm and sweet and so comfortable. I was in heaven. Hahaha. I realized just how uncomfortable Zeloma rides after I rode La Cou Cou, Zajouti, and Utile. But I still love Zeloma
the most :)
This is another wonderful horse we had to take care of... such a sweetheart...NOT! He is SO evil. Biscuit injured himself fighting with Sunsorise. His back leg looked terrible and we were SO scared he broke it. Such a waste because he is such a pretty horse. But anyways. We needed to give him shots and clean his wounds and it was just so difficult because he is just such a MEANNY! When we first started the only way I could get him is to stand in his stall and wait for him to try to bite me and grab his halter. But after a while he got used to me and he didn't care what I did to him. It was sweet. He bit and tried to kick everyone that just looked at his leg, and I could touch it and pet him and play with him. He was fairly sweet to me. I wish I could have ridden him more though. He is SO comfortable. But he is really easy so it wont be difficult to get someone on him to ride. HE just likes being outside. I miss him too :)

Leaving was SO hard. It was just me and Pa the last few weeks I was in Suri. I was with him all day except when he was at work :)
So it was SO difficult to leave. I was so sad. But in 3 years I will probably be back there. And maybe I can have the job as barn manager. hahaha. Maybe. I wont really earn any money like that, but I really don't need to either. I always knew having a job in animal science and equestrian science would never get me any money. But I don't need a lot. I would be perfectly happy just chilling at a barn, working hard, and riding. Of course I want to be able to pay off loans and stuff. But I will figure that out later.
I do want to go to Europe to study horses more or maybe go work by Carissa. I don't know. But
there is enough time to figure it out :)

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